Day 1

Day 1

Today I arrived at Heritage University somewhat packed and ready to go. Eventually I would run home two different times having forgot a few things. Later I was issued a water bladder, backpack, sleeping bag, and a head lamp. The texture of the sleeping bag should have been a sign for me to bring my own sleeping bag and a few more blankets, I froze. We later went through a classroom session with Jonalee Squeochs. She discussed the effects of climate change and had a power point displaying research conducted on or near the Yakama Reservation. After a while we started to make our trek to the Yakama Nation closed area. We gathered logs and kindling on the way up. Finally, we arrived at Potato Hill and started to setup camp, we were also assigned groups at this time. My group for the duration of this course is group 1 and we stated by being assigned to cooking spaghetti. Jacob Billy and I kind of took charge of this meal and afterward Jacob let me know that I was a good cook! Oh yes I can’t forget to mention that while we set up camp, cooked dinner, and ate we were all being eaten alive by mosquitos! These mosquitos were not one bit fazed by all the repellent everyone was spraying everywhere. I later went to my tent and read for a while. Pretty sure I was up until sunrise because I was very cold. After the sun came up today I was actually able to sleep until it got way to hot in my tent from the sun. Now we are at Camp Chaparral and I absolutely loved hearing my Hispanic speaking HU classmates say ‘Chaaappppaarrrrrraaalllllll’ they definitely rolled those “r’s” and extended those “l’s”. This was my first time hearing Hispanic people pronounce Chaparral with their accent. I was the only HU Yakama Student in the van so this tickled me and I was giggling in the back. 


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